Steve Jobs undeniably has contributed massive impact not just to technology but to the lives of the people. In fact, he is one of the key figures in these modern times whom we can learn a lot from. His success story is crafted like no other, backed with his personal thirst for perfection, commitment to his goals, hard work, skills, intellect, talent, and insurmountable motivation.
This is why it isn’t surprising when I hear young individuals wanting to follow his footsteps. Why not? He’s definitely a positive influence worth looking up to.
Now, here are the 5 things you can do to unleash the inner Steve Jobs within you and achieve career success too:
- Always do what you love
I bet you’ve heard of the adage “Do what you love and you never have to work a day in your life”. I’m certain that nobody would contest it. Yes, success is achievable, but it becomes more elusive when you keep chasing it whilst at the back of your head you hate your job and your company. It’s plainly making a fool out of yourself, trying to convince yourself that you can last another day doing the things you clearly aren’t interested in. Sometimes, many people, especially either the freshies or the oldies choose to endure their current situation out of fear that being young or old and inexperienced would get them nowhere. What they don’t realise is that their passion – their love for something will make it possible for them to move mountains, prove themselves, and excel in it.
- Visualise your success
Ever wondered why companies, big and small, have mission-vision statements? This is because having a vision makes the entire organisation goal-focused. Steve Jobs believed in the power of having a big vision and keeping an eye on it. The same goes with your personal success – it all starts with a vision. The more you envision your success, the closer you are to making it real!
- Build connections
Never burn bridges. Whether it is your professor from college, on-the-job training supervisor, a colleague from your first job, an org mate, or just somebody you’ve exchanged numbers or calling cards with a few months ago, make sure to keep these people in your circle because you’ll never know when they would be of help to you. As you age, it is essential to network effectively with people who share the same interests with you and most especially with those who are already on top of the success ladder. Besides having connections, there’s tons of things you can learn from them, which you can apply to your own quest for success.
- Learn how to communicate your ideas effectively
Communicating your ideas effectively is vital to your career success. Take it from Steve Jobs who’s considered as the greatest corporate storyteller. During his presentations, he not just merely presents his ideas but he also educates, entertains, and inspires his audience. Remember, no matter how brilliant you ideas are, if you cannot express them, they wouldn’t count.
- Create experiences with people
While your journey is yours alone, it doesn’t mean that you must be self-centered. Learn how altruism works – how it can help you succeed faster. It is crucial that as you continue traveling the path to success, you also take time to engage with people.