How to Achieve Your Goals

How to Achieve Your Goals

achieve your goals it is possible

The New Year always signifies new goals to achieve as the year passes by. However, New Year’s Resolutions are mostly unachieved by the end of the year and are left forgotten until the end of the year approaches. So if you want to make sure you reach the end of 2017, be able to look back and say you’ve achieved your goals, here are some of the ways which could help you achieve them:

Do not set too many goals.
People tend to list down too many goals to accomplish before the year ends. Because of this, there are many of these which are left unattended because of work and other things. Setting up too many goals will keep you from achieving some progress. When you plan your goals, listing down up to five goals would be enough.

Set a meaningful goal.
Choosing the right goal can help you progress greatly. Make sure that there is a high chance that you can achieve the goal before you set it. You should also check whether it is relevant to you and your future. Create goals which you will be able to check your progress easily by making the goal specific rather than making it into something general.

Set goals that you really want.
Another problem which most people tend to face in achieving their goals is that they are not what they really want. It’s not bad to think something would be good if you are able to achieve it but in the end, if the goal is something you really want and is something that works well with your personality, it will be easy to achieve it. Make sure that the goals you set are those which you really want in your life and are something that can easily fit your personality.

Find motivations for your goals.
Sometimes, we make goals without knowing why we want to achieve them in the first place. Search your thoughts and your feelings about what drives you to achieve your goals. Your motivation doesn’t necessarily have to be yourself. It can be other people; it can be famous ones or your loved ones. Having a motivation gives you a pillar which can support you when you doubt yourself in achieving it.

Break down your goals and set a timeline.
Even when you’ve finally made your goals into specific ones, you should still break them down into smaller parts or actions. These actions will serve as a guide for your progress which will show you how much you’ve accomplished and how close you are to achieving your goal. Setting a timeline on when you should be able to accomplish these actions will help you focus on doing it and keep you from setting the goal aside.

Write down your goals and put them up somewhere visible.
Studies have found that those who write down their goals are more likely to achieve them than those who don’t. The reason behind this is those written goals are easier to remember than goals which are only kept in mind. Putting the goals up in somewhere visible can also help remind you frequently them and will help you keep track on your progress.

Act on your plans.
Planning your goals is a good thing and can help you achieve your goals more easily. However, if you don’t start acting to achieve them, you will not be able to gain any progress. Planning and brainstorming may make you feel like you’re starting to get some productivity and progress but the only time you start making progress is when you start acting towards your goal. Don’t let your goals stay as plans.

Get feedbacks on your progress.
Sometimes, you’ll end up stuck at a certain action and you will have some problems with thinking of how to fix it. When you hit a dead end, make sure to ask help from other people on what to do. Ask those who you trust for their honest opinions which could be helpful in your future progress. However, you should make sure that you only rely on those who you truly trust and that you keep away from negative people who can have a bad effect on your motivations and your progress.

Rewards yourself for achieving your goals.
One of the best ways to motivate yourself to achieve your goals is to reward yourself after successfully accomplishing it or some of the actions which can lead to achieving it. You should make sure that your reward is something that will not oppose your goal. For example, if your plan is to eat healthy, your reward shouldn’t be treating yourself to ice cream or some other unhealthy food. When you experience set backs or negative thoughts, the reward you will get after you finish your goal can help you feel optimistic once more and help you achieve them faster.
