Professional Templates

What makes our templates different from all the others?

Our professional templates are very useful because they help you when your CV or resume needs rewriting or updating.
Being a foreigner makes using a template even more worthwhile because you get an idea of how CVs and resumes generally look like in Australia.

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Did you know that an average of 250 Resume’s are received for each job position? Employers spend around 10 seconds on each one.

If you want to get noticed then you need a unique Resume template that will stand out above the rest.


[vcex_icon_box style=”two” icon=”gears” icon_size=”56px” heading=”Easy to use” heading_type=”h2″ url_target=”_self” heading_size=”22PX” icon_color=”#f84937″ image=”11147″]

Our templates are in Microsoft Word format so they are easy to download and edit.

All you have to do is copy and paste your information before you’re ready to start sending out your new Resume that will surely get noticed this time.


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Our templates won’t break the bank. We made them affordable because we know that every cent counts when you’re looking for a job.

When you start your exciting new job you’ll be glad you spent a few dollars to get a great Resume. After all, every day you spend without a job is a day you’re missing out!
