International Graduates

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International Graduates

As someone from overseas hoping to gain work experience in Australia, you might be familiar with the following situation:

You need to make money so you need to work. You can’t find work because you don’t have a good enough resume. You don’t have a good enough resume because you don’t have work experience. And you don’t have work experience because you need a job to get that experience.

It’s the well known vicious circle of needing working experience to get work experience and whether you’re an Aussie or you’re a foreigner, it’s a problem that most students and graduates face at some point. Coming from overseas just complicates things a bit more. Without work experience you can apply for jobs tirelessly without any result. It’s time to break that circle!

Get experience

So let’s start with how to get experience. By far the best way to get your foot in the door and get some local Australian experience is to do an internship. If you’re only planning on staying in Australia for a few months, you can do a 12 week program, build an awesome resume, gain hands-on experience, meet great people and then head home and go back to school or find a job now that you’ve got some amazing skills and experience on your resume.

At Career of the Day, we can set you up in an internship directly, guaranteed upon eligability. Our goal is not just finding you an internship; we want it to be your future dream job! Our slogan is not without reason: It’s YOUR Career! It shows it is all about YOU throughout the whole process.
Most of the interns we place get full-time job offers after the internship and many employers are willing to sponsor the right candidate.

Here is a brief overview on how it works:

  1. You express your interest by calling us, emailing us or signing up on our website
  2. We give you a call
  3. You come in for an appointment
  4. You join our program (fees apply)
  5. We train you and give you all the necessary support
  6. We arrange interviews for you
  7. You are guaranteed a great internship!

You are never alone; we will be there for you with support and guidance during the whole process.

Learn all about our internship program on the new to the workforce page.

If you plan on staying in Australia for a long time, you’ll need a sponsorship. If you aren’t familiar with the sponsorship/visa rules and regulations you can find it all out on our sponsorship page and on the Australian Australian Immigration website.

Make sure your resume is designed for Australia

You’re from overseas, so you would know countless examples of cultural differences. One of them probably is on how a ‘normal’ resume looks like. Forget what you know from writing you’re CV or resume in your home country. You’re in Australia now and other rules apply.

Australian’s do things differently than other countries when it comes to resumes and CVs. Do you know whether or not to include a picture of yourself? Do you include your date of birth? Do you write down your citizenship? Does the most recent job come first or last? How many pages is an average Aussie CV or resume? Do you even know the difference between a CV and a resume? These are just a few but vital questions you need to know the answer to in order to maximise your chances on the Australian labour market when writing a CV or resume. Your resume will be thrown in the trash if not done right.

Hiring managers get heaps of CVs and resumes under their noses and they don’t spend much time looking them. You get about 6 seconds of their attention and in those precious seconds you want to make sure you stand out of the crowd and you’re smashing it! You’ve got to get it right the first time, because they don’t care how it’s done in your country and there definitely is no second chance.

Let us help you create a CV or resume that is tailored to employers in Australia and will improve your chances on the labour market. We offer full resume editing and resume templates.